Publication standards
For its publication in the RVAP, manuscripts shall meet the following requirements:
The name and surname of the author(s), academic or professional reference together with email address must be indicated thereon and it is highly recommended to include the orcid reference. That data will be published by the Journal.
Manuscripts shall not exceed 40 pages in one-half spacing. The main title of manuscripts shall include its English translation. An abstract of around 100-150 words in a sole paragraph will always be included containing a short review of the manuscript, objectives, methodology and main contributions and also three to five keywords. The abstract will be published in both official languages of the Basque Country and also in English. (The Journal will carry out its Basque translation if this is preferred). Besides, at the beginning of the manuscript it will also be indicated how to cite it: SURNAME, Name (year), Title of the manuscript, Revista Vasca de Administración Pública, issue, first -last pages. And finally, the data of reception and of decision for its publication will be disclosed in the same published manuscript.
The manuscripts shall include after the main title a summary with the different parts of it.
The “bold” typeface is used only for titles and headings; “italics” will only be used in the text if necessary and “underlined” is vetted.
The bibliographic references shall follow the so called APA criteria (7th edition); but the full name (and not only initials) may be used, both to give visibility to women in the field of research and to solve problems in cases of coincidence of surnames. According to these rules, the alphabetical system of bibliographic citation in the body of the text or the numerical system of bibliographic reference (footnotes) can be followed. The following are the most common examples:
(Surname(s), Initial, year, pages)
Surname(s), Initial. or First name. (year). Title (pp.). (ed. no.). Publisher.
Surname(s), Initial. or First name. (year). Title of chapter or part. In Initial. Surname(s) (Dir. or Coord.), Title of the book (pp.). (No. ed.). Publisher.
Last name(s), Initial. or First name (year). Title. Full Name of the Journal, vol., (number), Publisher, first page-last page.
But in any case a final section dedicated to the bibliography should be included, in which all (and only) the works cited throughout the text will appear completely and in alphabetical order.
Links to web pages and online accessible documents (pdf, etc.), as well as e-mail addresses, should be accompanied by single horizontal quotation marks and no final punctuation mark, as in the example: <>.
When the work is part of a research project sponsored either by Public or private institutions, that fact must be specified in a note at the beginning of the publication text.
Manuscripts shall be submitted in computerized format by email to the Technical Secretary of the Journal: The correction of printing proofs must be made and returned within 72 hours of receipt. No large or substantial corrections shall be made from the original version that was accepted for its publication.
The manuscript shall not have been sent to any other Journal and its submission implies an undertaking not to withdraw it in case the RVAP notifies its intention of publishing it after the review process and of course not to have it published before somewhere else; it is not possible to withdraw it in order to submit it to a different journal unless the RVAP refuses the publication or there is a disagreement with the section where the manuscript shall be included or with the amendments to be introduced, if any. The express acceptance of this requirement is an essential precondition for bringing about the process of review of the manuscript. The non-compliance of this requirement allows the RVAP to reject further manuscripts submitted in the future by the same author.
Manuscripts shall always be screened by at least two external experts members of the Advisory Board of the Basque Journal of Public Administration with the anonymous peer-review of the paper by the double blind procedure. Nonetheless, the Direction of the RVAP can directly refuse to publish a manuscript if it is clearly beyond the scope of the Journal or it does not meet the formal and content requirements. In the reports, the experts shall advise on both the positive and negative aspects of the reviewed manuscripts and they will recommend its publication and within which section or as the case may be, its no publication. In the light of the reviews and other additional reports deemed necessary, the Editorial Board will take its final decision on its publication. The submission of manuscripts for publication implies the automatic transfer, universally, to the Basque Journal of Public Administration of the rights of distribution, pubic communication and reproduction including in computerized format of published articles.
After the reviewing procedure and the decision adopted by the Editorial Board, the RVAP shall formally inform the author either of the publication of the manuscript and the section where it shall be included -along with requiring the necessary amendments, if any- or of its refusal, stating the reasons therefor.
The RVAP is defined as a "blue" editorial and does not allow pre-prints to be published (articles that have not passed the peer review process). Authors of the published manuscripts are entitled to self-archive the pdf version of them in institutional and thematic repositories.
The RVAP provides with an open and immediate access to the full text of the journal. The IVAP will retain the patrimonial rights (copyright) upon the published works and fosters and allows its reuse under the terms of Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence so as to copy, use, communicate, transmit and publicly exhibit them as long as 1) the authorship and the original source of its publication are cited, 2) there is not commercial use 3) no derivative works license and 4) there is a mention to the licence of use and its specifics.
Citing articles. In the case of needing to cite an article published in the RVAP, it should be done in the following way: Last name(s), First name (year). Title of the article. Revista Vasca de Administración Pública, (number), first page-last page.
This Journal is committed to the principle that public funded research shall be available free of charge based on the conviction that it encourages a broader dissemination of global knowledge. Accordingly, the RVAP will never charge for the submission and processing of manuscripts.