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La carrera horizontal en las administraciones públicas desde los recursos humanos: el job crafting

Author: GORRITI BONTIGUI, Mikel.   

ABSTRACT: This work aims to generate a debate in the Public Administrations of the Spanish state around the rich and almost unexplored field of work motivation in the public sphere. An inescapable reality and very rich in concepts and possibilities. As such, it only raises reasonable hypotheses based on the literature of job crafting and on the current legislation regarding the in-position career development of public employees. It begins with a definition of the phenomenon, its origin, types and actions. It includes the regulations that regulate this type of career, its effects, the determinants and its organizational and leadership implications to finish with the empirical evidence that endorses its application. All this to propose to the people responsible for human resources management (HR) the management of individual differences that this type of career implies in terms of public effectiveness.

KEYWORDS: civil service, in-position career development, job crafting, performance appraisal, public leadership.

Análisis de la salud mental en el sector público: desafíos y estrategias de intervención psicosocial 

Authors: RAMOS-VIDAL, Ignacio;  ARENAS MORENO, Alicia and MUNDUATE JACA, Lourdes.

ABSTRACT: The increase in costs derived from sick leave, the increase in absenteeism and presenteeism, the loss of productivity and the worsening of the quality of life of workers, related to mental health, requires a comprehensive approach based on scientific evidence. The purpose of this work is threefold. First, we perform an attempt to delimit the concept of mental health based on theoretical models. Second, the scientific evidence that explores mental health in the workplace is analyzed, focusing on studies that examine mental health in people who work in public organizations. Third, a set of good practices centered on Wellbeing Promotion (Primary Intervention) and Psychosocial Diagnosis (Secondary Intervention) are presented to improve the design of psychosocial intervention strategies in Administration and Public Organizations. A final section is devoted to show recommendations to improve mental health based on empirical evidence.

KEYWORDS: mental health, prevention, psychosocial risks, Public Administration, work. 

La inteligencia como factor psicológico relevante en el diseño selectivo en las administraciones públicas

Author: COLOM MARAÑON, Roberto.

ABSTRACT: The scientific study of intelligence has highlighted its integrative role of cognitive and non-cognitive psychological factors. Evidence reveals that it is the personal attribute with the greatest predictive validity in a heterogeneous range of life circumstances, including work performance. This article describes and discusses this evidence, from classical research to recent advances, to reach conclusions and suggestions that could potentially be considered in the selection design of public administrations. Job demands in the twenty-first century entail an increase in mental complexity that gives the intellect an even more central role. Scientific advances and models can help improve social decisions, but it is the institutions that, ultimately, must choose to pay attention to or neglect the findings of science.

KEYWORDS: Intelligence, Public administration, selection, work performance.


Centro para la innovación en los servicios públicos. Crónica de la construcción de un proyecto

Author: BOSCH TORRA, Ramon.

ABSTRACT: This article advocates for public innovation as a lever for cultural change in public administration, and does so with the conviction that public administrations, on their own, will not be able to respond to the major challenges they face: population aging, the technological revolution, new work modalities, or the climate crisis, among others. To successfully overcome these challenges, public administrations must shift from the client-provider paradigm that has characterized the public-private relationship to a new one where research centers and universities, companies, and public administrations share objectives, risks, and benefits. Public innovation, understood as the adaptation of open innovation to public administration, can serve this purpose. This was the belief of the Diputación de Barcelona, which is why it created the International Center for Innovation in Public Services. The following pages tell the story of how the project was conceptualized, emphasizing the methodologies developed both for the implementation of public innovation and for its evaluation.

KEYWORDS: Center for Innovation in Public Services (CIISP), evaluation, incubator govtgech, public innovation, public services.

La prospectiva como fuente inevitable de las funciones de las administraciones públicas vascas


ABSTRACT: This report analyses how the Basque public administration must adapt to future citizen demands for the year 2030. Based on a 2016 study, it identifies key trends in social, technological, economic, environmental, and policy areas using the STEEP methodology. Through forward-looking workshops with citizens and experts, five critical areas were identified: health, employment, education, urban planning and governance. It is expected that the administration will have to be more flexible, digitalized and participatory, integrating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and telemedicine. The document proposes the creation of a Foresight Commission to anticipate changes and ensure that the Basque public administration is agile, efficient and capable of responding to future social, technological and environmental needs.

KEYWORDS: anticipation, citizen demand, projection, prospective, public administration.


Fermin Cerezo. ( Interviewer: Miel A. Elustondo)


Cesar Gallastegui Aranzabal. Universidad de Deusto.


López A. (2021). Guía para elaborar un plan de comunicación en una administración pública. (Recensión: Ana Perales Estiguín)

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